Monday, February 12, 2007

Herouxville->Signpost To The Apocalypse

This is hard.I've been close to speechless before,but it was always alchohol related.Tonight i've got nothing.The only way to do this is for you to go here now particular attention to the last two paragraphs.
See?what are you supposed to make of that?Tabernac!Terror on the turnip farm!If these flatland(has to be flatlanders because even backwood boys and mountainmen aren't that stupid)idiots ever get a third television channel, they may be dangerous.Now you understand why I'm hiding under a hood in the picture to the right.Wait a minute.If my face is hidden I can't move to Herouxville.Damn.Can't wait to see how Charest handles this one.
The thing about this is the fact that the town- population 1338(depending on how many chickens were killed for supper the day the last census passed) is advertising to attract immigrants to move there.They just want the right type.Incredible.
If I was on the town council I would put more energy and budget into manditory DNA tests for all residents to identify all married first cousins and let them know their gene pool is a puddle.
Sorry if this came off a little acidic,but I'm shaking my head so hard my kids will have Parkinsons.


Richard Landry said...

I've been shaking in disbelief all week about this story as well. Even Nico (all of 11 years old) agreed that the town should be labelled a bio-hazard wasteland of residential trash. Go figure.


Cryptisemita said...

Gene pool is a puddle...sounds vaguely familiar...or literally familial...keep going...