Monday, May 30, 2011

The Relaunch

This page had fallen victim to the oldest blog pitfalls in the book – lack of direction and questionable motives. So, instead of looking out for the things that I find wrong with this fair city and province that I choose to call home, I have decided to turn it around and explore some of the stuff that are unique and beautiful about Lower Canada – with a camera.

I will first drop the two great footnotes that will define the new page. 1) I am a hobby shot. This is my learning curve with a camera. I’ve been taking pictures for years and finally got around to learning something about it. 2) I am a man without wheels. The stuff I visit and find to shoot will be decided by who I got where with. Most of the subject matter will be Montreal based. That doesn’t mean it will get boring. I promise to work hard to bring new and vibrant things to these pages.

Even though I take photos every day, I won’t necessarily be posting a new daily shot. Probably more like day off safaris spread out over the week. I will keep a stable of horses to trot out in an orderly fashion and try and spread out shots taken on the same outing even if they are not of the same subject matter.

For this first post I want to discuss some of the cameras I have owned. Like most teenagers, beer money was way more important than photography equipment. I bought a Vivitar snap shooter when I was 17. Flashy and blue. It was small and great for bringing along to punk rock shows and parties. It lasted me a couple of years before giving out. The only actual metal on the camera was the ring that held the wrist strap on.

After that came a Kodak Advantix T60. One of the APS rigs with the panoramic function. Went through about 50 rolls of film and did not have a lot of wasted shots because of focus problems. It had a flip up flash, so red eye was well under control also.

In 2004 I got a great deal on a Kodak DX6490 digital camera. It was a 4mp that had 10x optical zoom. I used it through until Christmas 2010 and it served me well over the years. By this time I was taking pictures every day. Pictures of the family. The dogs. Clouds. Out taking pictures in snow storms. In six years and two months I took 25,493 shots with that camera. I still keep it in my camera bag as a back up and if I need to shoot video. The realization that I would have to upgrade came one day when I bought a 4GB SD card and the camera would not recognize it. When it was built 128 MB and 256 MB cards were the craze.

For Christmas I got a Canon Rebel 1000D (XS) with the included 18-55 mm EFS lens. Since then I have added a kit that included an EFS 55–250mm lens, a lens hood, a UV, Polarizing and FLD filter kit, and a tripod. After six months of studying the manual and religiously reading online resources (the best of which I found to be Geoff Lawrence’s dot com Tutorials and Tips), I am ready to start sharing my learning adventures. Here we go!

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