Thursday, August 4, 2011

Critters In The Backyard

This guy and others like him are really starting to annoy me. They have torn up my flower boxes, chewed through the lid of my garbage bin, and ripped up my lawn. The roof of my neighbors garage overlooks my yard. They like to toss all their bread scraps out on the roof for the birds. What ends up happening is two or three of the bravest squirrels make their way up my tree and onto the roof and then shoot the pieces of bread down onto the lawn. Doesn't take long for them to make a mess. Here are a couple of shots of a repeat offender on the fire escape.

Once he was onto me he dropped his bread into a half full wading pool underneath the stairs and it became my fault that he lost his breakfast. The sweet cuddly Bambi gang member facade crumbled and out comes Mr. Rabid Tree Rat.

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