Friday, July 22, 2011

Crazy Clouds

We have been under a heat wave here in Montreal for the past 6 days. A heat wave is defined as any periods of consecutive days where the temperature reached 32 degrees Celcius ( 89.6 Fahrenheit) not including the Humididex. The temp with the humidity climbed to 47 Celsius yesterday. I caught this shot at the end of the day around 7:15 pm as the dark clouds were starting to roll in over Notre-Dame-de-Grace Park on Sherbrooke. My buddy Rich and the kids were in the splash park, while I caught some shots from behind the ball field.

I tried one bracketed set that I put through Photomatix and came out OK. I really need to get a bunch of bracketed shots and spend more time playing in there to figure out how to pop the orange and yellows in the clouds, or dial down the green in the chapel roof.

But I also got a nice stand alone shot that I played with in Lightroom and really like. I think it speaks to the anger of the approaching sky eating up the sunshine. I am becoming very interested in taking very vibrant shots to play with and manipulate. This is one of my favorites so far.

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