Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cropping To Change Subject.

Most of the time when you take a photo, it is a defined subject that you found interesting, and wanted to capture. Sometimes you capture something about that subject that makes it a great picture. Most times it is just a straight up rendering of the subject.
Sometimes there is a secondary subject in the picture that is more interesting and can be highlighted with a crop or editing the photo to black & white. As long as the original shot is in focus, you can find something to bring out in any image. Today's post is one of those times. While vacationing in St. Andrews, my nieces and nephews found a crab washed ashore by the tide. I took a shot of one of them holding it.

Pretty straight forward picture of someone holding a dead crab. While checking the clarity in Lightroom, I noticed how dirty Nathan's fingernails were and that the sand and water drops looked cool. So after a quick crop and color transformation this is the finished shot that I like a lot better.

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