Monday, July 18, 2011


So I have been really digging seeing people post pictures done with the Hipstomatic app for the Iphone. The Lomo style pictures are like fruity drinks for your eyes. I tried a couple of times to replicate the look following a incredibly convoluted step by step process in Photoshop, but I have not used Photoshop often enough or don't have the same version as the explanation and got lost in a scary cornfield.

So what I decided to do was take a cast off photo of my nieces and nephews mulling around waiting for a group shot to be taken and play with it. Here is the original

Nothing special . I was tuning the settings for the group shot and this was a little bright. Then I cropped it to center on the girl in the stripped dress. I left the exposure alone, pulled the Recovery way up and added a little Black. Next I brought the Brightness down a bit and maxed the Contrast. I pulled the Vibrance up 30% and the Saturation 20%. Lastly I tweaked the Temp thirty percent towards the blue end of the spectrum and the Tint twenty percent on the green side. A little Vignette work and this is the finished product.

As with everything I have been doing in this blog, it's not great, maybe not even good, but it is a starting point. The more I learn to control what I am doing in Lightroom, the sooner I will figure out how to take the photos to make them look like what I envisioned.

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